Creating a Character
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Once the packs you own are sorted. You may open the AdultCharacterSelect scene located in Assets/LinkiraStudios/CharacterEnhancementToolkit/Scenes/AdultCharacterSelect.scene.
Due to use of TMP Pro, you may be asked to install TMP Pro Essentials. Install TMP Pro Essentials.
From the Toolkit Window, you should see three steps. The first step is to create the directories. The reason is it allows for direct
Upon clicking Save Prefab, a prefab will be created in the Assets/Saved/Prefabs folder.
At this point, you can create more characters, or pull the prefab over and use it in your own game.
Male/Female Buttons - Toggles between the Male or Female sorted lists. Yellow means currently selected.
Characters Dropdown - Use dropdown to select character directly, or use the Left or Right arrows to navigate to the next character. Or use the Dice to select a character at Random.
Camera Buttons - Toggles between the active camera. Body Cam is full body view. Face Cam is a close up of the face. Orbit Cam is a moveable camera using your mouse. Click and drag to rotate around character or use the mousewheel to zoom.
Face Persistence - By default Face persistence is toggled to on. That means if you change the character, the facial features remain. If you don't want that to occur, deselect this toggle.
Face Randomization - Randomizes the four facial features randomly.
Hats/Hair/Beard/Masks - Works similar to character. Use dropdown to select individual item directly, or use the random dice button, or the left/right arrows. In addition, they have button that removes the item.