😍Creating a Character

Step 1 - Open Adult Character Select Scene

Once the packs you own are sorted. You may open the AdultCharacterSelect scene located in Assets/LinkiraStudios/CharacterEnhancementToolkit/Scenes/AdultCharacterSelect.scene.

Due to use of TMP Pro, you may be asked to install TMP Pro Essentials. Install TMP Pro Essentials.

Step 2 - Create Your Dream Character

From the Toolkit Window, you should see three steps. The first step is to create the directories. The reason is it allows for direct

Step 3 - Save Your Character

Upon clicking Save Prefab, a prefab will be created in the Assets/Saved/Prefabs folder.

At this point, you can create more characters, or pull the prefab over and use it in your own game.


Male/Female Buttons - Toggles between the Male or Female sorted lists. Yellow means currently selected.

Characters Dropdown - Use dropdown to select character directly, or use the Left or Right arrows to navigate to the next character. Or use the Dice to select a character at Random.

Camera Buttons - Toggles between the active camera. Body Cam is full body view. Face Cam is a close up of the face. Orbit Cam is a moveable camera using your mouse. Click and drag to rotate around character or use the mousewheel to zoom.

Face Persistence - By default Face persistence is toggled to on. That means if you change the character, the facial features remain. If you don't want that to occur, deselect this toggle.

Face Randomization - Randomizes the four facial features randomly.

Last updated